one on one

img_0199“contact: one on one” is a Polish version of a program called “older brother, older sister”. its main goal is to help kids from underprivileged families by providing a one on one contact with an adult that meets with them on a regular basis.

as tomy christian fellowship we have received a grant from the city of tomaszow to recruit 10 volunteers and “pair” them with 10 kids with a commitment to work with them for a period of one year. it’s a great opportunity to both help the kids and build relationships with adults from outside the church who want to join us in working for the benefit of these kids. we believe it will have a tremendous impact on shaping our church’s culture in terms of building intentional relationships for the sake of the Kingdom.

please pray for adam sokol as he coordinates the project.

pray for God’s wisdom for choosing the right people, both on the side of volunteers and the troubled kids.

the first meeting was held last saturday, jan. 31st @ tomy (see the picture)

2 responses to “one on one

  1. Ron & Nancy Aguiar

    Dear Rafal ~
    Isn’t this exciting? Vanessa sent us this blog – what a GREAT encouragement to see all that’s being done in His Name! What wonderful opportunities are being handed to this faithful team! Thanks for stepping up and shining in your area of the world! We can “see the Light” all the way over here in the US!”

  2. thanks ron and nancy for your encouragement and kind words!
    visit us here more often! 🙂

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